Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lipstick vs Pig and What Can We Do

Here's what I saw 9/13 at the Obama Rally in Manchester, NH VIEW

TODAY'S Repub Lie Watch:
The idea that McCain is for women because of his VP choice is a lie. NEW
Lies about stance on combat systems? NEW
Lies about VP candidate not requesting earmarks NEW
The BEST compilation of news about repub VP candidate NEW
Lies about repub candidates' crowd sizes?
Lies about repub VP candidate having traveled to Iraq!

Great article from April Mellody on the difference between lipstick on a pig and a pig. Here's an excerpt:

Lipstick: Choosing a female running mate to help tap into the "18 million cracks" left by women who voted for Hillary.

Pig: Voting against a measure aimed at helping women achieve pay equity. Voting repeatedly against funding to fight and prevent domestic violence. Voting against extending insurance coverage to pregnant women and infants. Voting against $214 million for breast cancer research.

And here's my response to April's headline Women, Where Are You?:

Masterful stroke - to turn the idiocy of the pig/lipstick coverage back to the issues. Sad that the mainstream media hasn't.

You asked where the women are. Here are a few places:
and in every conversation I've had for the past 2 weeks, I've encountered the very outrage you wonder about.

Where the women aren't:
1. We aren't in positions of power in the media behind the scenes deciding how to cover this campaign. The worldview is male; they are out of touch with our issues; they pander to the conflict stirred up by the raving-Rovians.

2. Many of us aren't in cyberspace. In this economy and in this country many of us are too busy working multiple jobs or long hours to feed our families, we're struggling to find the time to care for children and aging parents, we're helping children through schools that are failing them, we're scrimping to save money for college educations, we're sitting in emergency rooms because we have no healthcare. The last 8 years have done much to silence us.

NY Times article on repub VP candidate's scary actions as an "executive".

So, if we can't be all over cyberspace and if the mainstream media are ignoring us, what can we do: Be informed about the issues. Talk to every woman you know about this campaign. If she's a diehard republican, listen with compassion and highlight the negative impact of a repub win for women. If she's an independent or not sure, make your best case for Obama. If she's planning to vote for Obama, ask her to speak about the campaign, volunteer for the campaign and contribute whatever she can.

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