Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rats from a Sinking Ship

Not much time today, so here are a few links:

Congressman Mark Kirk from Illinois is a bundler for the McCain campaign. He's the first elected official to publicly voice concerns about SlickSarah.

It's so common that it's not news any more, but McCain gets "testy" with the media...and mis-states (oops, lies?) yet again. HuffPost

In case you missed the fact that Maureen Dowd was banned from the McCain plane, here's an excerpt of her thoughts on the matter. Couldn't have said it better myself. Slick=Cheney in a skirt; McShame=Cheney in a shirt.
"It was disappointing because I didn't think John McCain would ever be as dismissive of the First Amendment as Dick Cheney."

Bill's smokin' (no, he didn't inhale this time)...
And though (Clinton) repeated his mantra that Democrats don't have to "say one bad word" about their Republican opponents to win the election, Clinton actually snuck in a dig against Sarah Palin.

"So (Barack's) got a better philosophy. He's got better answers. He's got a better understanding, and better advisers on these complex economic matters. He's got a better vice presidential partner," More here.

Polls are lookin' good for Barack and Joe.

Gotta run...check out HuffPost and ThePoliticalCarnival for other goodies including:
  • McCain claims to look to Slick for foreign policy advice - now, THAT's reassuring,
  • New RapeKit ad
  • Being gay is a choice (SlickS)
  • And more...

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