Monday, September 8, 2008

Charlie Gibson's Interview of Sarah Palin

I submitted these questions to ABC and I hope Charlie will ask them of Sarah Palin:

1. At the end of his term, President Bush has made it possible for pharmacists to refuse to dispense birth control pills if they disapprove of them. He tried to get certain forms of contraception banned. What forms of contraception do you approve of and how will your personal views influence the policies you will push for?

2. In the last presidential election the Republicans painted John Kerry as a "flip-flopper" over changes in his views. Given that you were for the bridge to nowhere before you were against it and John McCain has been for many issues before he is now against them, why should you and he not be painted with the same "flip-flop" brush?

3. Exactly what kind of training are you getting to prepare you to be a Vice Presidential candidate?

4. How do you as a woman feel about John McCain's repeated references to you as his "partner" and "soul mate" instead of "running mate".

Hoping the interview won't be a celebrity fluff-fest!

In the meantime, Biden has been speaking about the issues. I'm for Obama/Biden. Hope you are, too.

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