Sunday, September 21, 2008

Congressional Majority

I've shamelessly lifted this from a comment by joshuahmcdonald on HuffPost

In addition to the shared urgency of purpose in electing Barack Obama as President we must elect a 60-40 Democratic Senate majority.

As our financial institutions crumble around us, the Bush Administration, managed by the most extreme adherents of Market Fundamentalism since Hoover, has proposed a bailout amounting to nearly $1 Trillion in institutionalized Socialism. Having destroyed the foundation of our economy this Administration is now intent on billing the American taxpayer.

The irony is that over the last 2 Senate sessions the minority Republicans have set records in the number of partisan filibusters blocking much needed legislation...including financial regulation which may have mitigated our current economic crisis. Over 130 filibusters in 2 years!

A 60-40 majority in the Senate allows the Democrats to legally quash obstructionist filibusters and get our representatives back to work solving the extremely serious problems currently facing our nation.

I urge you to add your voice and your financial contributions to the following Senate campaigns where strong Democrats are facing vulnerable Republicans:
- Alaska: Mark Begich (
- Colorado: Mark Udall (
- Idaho: Larry LaRocco (
- Louisiana: Mary Landrieu (
- Minnesota: Al Franken (
- Mississippi: Ronnie Musgrove (
- Nebraska: Scott Kleeb (
- New Hampshire: Jeanne Shaheen (
- New Mexico: Tom Udall (
- North Carolina: Kay Hagan (
- Oregon: Jeff Merkley (

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for thinking of us down here! Keep up the good work!

internet director
tom udall for senate