Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sticking to the Message

Lies about repub candidates' crowd sizes?
Lies about repub VP candidate having traveled to Iraq!

Up at 4:00AM, on the road by 4:30 and standing in line in Manchester, NH by 7:15.

Why? An Obama rally attended by 7-8,000. (In NH!!)

Barack was amazing, inspirational, on point, positive, visionary, specific on the issues, clear on the differences in position between him and the repubs, crystal clear on how the repubs ARE advocating a continuation of the failed Bush policies on the economy and foreign policy. He highlighted the raving-Rovian tactics of lies and distortions, called out the lobbyists who are advising the repub candidates and more.

Go Barack!


wemustdosomethin said...

Thank God I found this site! I was losing my mind thinking women were actually buying into the Palin act! This is insane people and we have to get the word out. What now? What can we do to reach the intelligent women left out there? Go Obama/Biden!!!

Palin's no Hillary said...

At the rally, here's what Obama asked people to do in addition to helping victims of the hurricane):
--Register to vote
--Get others to register
--Volunteer for the campaign (I'm planning to go where they most need help the week before the election)
--Talk about the campaigns
--Keep truth-telling